Friday, January 11, 2008

Ten points to the first person to find my unintentional pun!

imprimatur \im-prih-MAH-tur; -MAY-\, noun: 1. Official license or approval to print or publish a book, paper, etc.; especially, such a license issued by the Roman Catholic episcopal authority. 2. Approval; sanction. 3. A mark of approval or distinction.

Ky and Eli sat by the embers of last night's fire, the only two humans still awake in the castle (with the exception of the baker, just rising to prepare the day's bread).
"We have to leave at sundown. I don't see any other way."
"It would be wondrous if that were possible, but we don't have the king's imprimatur!" argued Eli.
Ky exhaled. "I know. Rostroff can get us past the gates, but beyond that we're going to have to rely on what little luck we have left."


Anidori-Isilee said...

The baker rising to bake bread. ;-)

Fun blog!

Gretchen Alice said...

Great job, anidori-isilee!
Ten *brownie* points to you!